NWT Snowboard has a fundamental obligation and responsibility to protect the health, safety and physical and mental well-being of every Individual that is involved in the Northwest Territories snowboarding community.
Contact the ABUSE-FREE SPORT HELPLINE to share your concerns and be referred to the appropriate resources.
Constitution & By-Laws
These documents set out how we are governed, how our finances work, who gets to vote at our meetings, and how those meetings are run.
AWG Coach and Athlete Selection Policy
Our selection policy for both coaches and athletes help give transparency to our selection process and provides information for our appeal process.
Helmet Policy
Wearing a helmet is a requirement while snowboarding on all NWT Snowboard affiliated hills.
Concussion Management Protocol
Concussions are a very common injury in our sport and when it comes to keeping your brain healthy NWT Snowboard will take no chances.
Responsible Coaching Movement Policy
This policy is designed to hold a high standard for all snowboard coaches who wish to train and coach athletes in the NWT.
Criminal Record Check Policy
All coaching staff are required to have a CRC completed to ensure the safety of our athletes and members.